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OCG News: VJUMP Adularia of the Moonlit Water's effect

VJUMP Aug 2022 Promo Card: Adularia of the Moonlit Water's effect, VJUMP Aug 2022, Adularia of the Moonlit Water, Yu-Gi-Oh OCG

OCG News: VJUMP Aug 2022 Promo Card: Adularia of the Moonlit Water's effect | YGO DataCore

VJUMP Aug 2022 Promo Card: Adularia of the Moonlit Water Information has been announced last month. On 6 June 2022, the effect of Adularia of the Moonlit Water is confirmed officially. Is this card compatible with Crystal Beast which have new support recently? Tell us about your thought with comment down below.




(2):此卡的攻擊和守備力上升我方場上表側表示存在的魔法● 陷阱卡數量 x600。(3): 可以將我方場上表側表示存在2張魔法● 陷阱卡送入墓地,從我方牌組將1體等級4以下的怪獸送入墓地。

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